Friday, July 6, 2012

Finally here!

We flew into Belize City today with no problems! Weather was great with just a little rain and a small thunderstorm. I really thought it was funny that the first bird I saw out the airport window was a grackle. We did see other birds though once we flew on the prop plane to San Pedro. (a huge hummingbird, a large bird that had wings like batman, and several others). That was a fun plane ride!

Mayan Airline plane

climbing on the plane

take off

over the mainland

view from plane

Airport on Amberguis Caye
 Once we got settled in here at TREC (tropical research center), we tested out our snorkeling equipment in the pool to make sure nothing got broken in the flight. The pool water felt wonderful after a day of traveling and hot humid air.
TREC pool surrounded by rooms

 After that, we had a nice dinner of chicken, rice, and beans. The man in charge of this place talked to us about safety and others things for about an hour. He told us to not worry if we heard funny noises at night because the geckos were on the walls of our room. ( which is funny because I just heard one!) The good news is that the geckos are eating the Mosquitos flying around the room!

mosquito larvae in water puddle
 Go geckos! I am excited about tomorrow! We are taking the speed boat out to a pillar coral site to practice our snorkeling. I just have to make sure that I don't fall of my top bunk bed which is what seems like 7 feet off the hard floor.

 It would be sad to come all the way to Belize and get injured by falling out of my bunk bed! One last note... We may see a Green Moray Eel tomorrow in the place we are going...ooh scary!

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